Student studying in the Collegium
Join the Community
The Collegium is a free resource. Due to limited facility space, though students are asked to apply for membership.
Commuter students will receive an email before the academic year starts inviting them to apply to The Collegium through their Engage account. The application is available to undergraduate students who commute to SPU. Application for membership is open Fall, Winter and Spring Quarter. You must reapply for membership each year.
Membership is guaranteed to first-time commuter students. While priority is given to students who commute a far distance, ALL commuters are encouraged to apply! If you are interested in joining The Collegium, please click here. For more information email
Collegium hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m.–4 p.m. The Collegium is located on the first (lowest) floor of Weter Hall.